Cassia Siamia Technologies is a one-stop shop for all laboratory, research and production equipment along with consumables and reagents. Started in 1998, Cassia Siamia Technologies has carved a niche market for itself by becoming the supplier-by-choice for over 1000 products & equipment that several Pharmateuticals, Biotech and Agri-Biotech and research institutions need for their day-to-day operations
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- We are a one-stop-shop for Biotech Industry in Hyderabad.
- Our response time is the shortest in the industry. We are the closest to the target industry.
- Unlike competition, specialised focus on Pharma Biotech and Life Science industries in Hyderabad, Secunderabad and Andhrapradesh only.
- Three year warranty for equipment manufactured by us
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Yridimes Semi-Dry Blotter
The Yrdimes is a well designed, semi-dry transfer unit that transfers all sized proteins or nucleic acids to membranes efficiently, consistently and reproducibly from polyacrylamide or agarose gels.
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"We are committed to customer delight. Our trading experience of over three decades has instilled tremendous confidence with all stakeholders and we are now looking to raise the bar."
-Ragunathan R, CEO |
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Quality is our motto. Responsiveness is a habit. Customer Delight is our pulse.